'TSUPDOOD?: Repackaged problems for you and MMI

Changes in computer usage have significantly changed the so-called computer security, network security and information security problems. The changes are largely due to the rapid proliferation and interconnection of computers and the associated distribution of software. Of concern is the uncontrolled nature of this activity: systems and workstations are often interconnected without notice being given to all of the affected parties. The result has been increased user-perception of the breaches in “security”, especially in the form of computer takeover, data destruction, or service denial by virus, worm or trapdoor. It is expected that consciouness of these problems, and of confidentiality comprosmises, will increases in the coming months. It is posited that a principal cause of the problem is willful promiscuity and a pronounced lack of mutual suspicion. The separation kernel concept is revisited as a potential practical means of improving security protections consistent with preserving the use of legacy systems and of commercial products.