Training and Pruning of Apple and Modern Trends of Development – An Overview

Since Second stage of intensification of apple industry in Europe started during early of 1970`s with Dutch `Slender spindle` training system for high density plantations. Other systems such as `Verical axis', V and Y- shaped system,`Tatura trellis`,`Solen`, `Solax`, `Cone` etc. were developed in different countries of the world. Planting systems were classified at five group as low to ultra high density, that is since less 1000 to more than 8000 trees per hectare. According to studies in France during the last 40 years, apple tree cultivars have been classified in four group depend of their fruiting type - I type Starkrimson, II- Reine des Reinettes, III-Golden Delicious and IV-Granny Smith. This classification give us the answer why we have biennial bearing for the apple cultivars in type I and regular bearing for type IV, and why is very important to maintain good balance between vegetative growth and reproductive shoots as a part of apple canopy architecture