The problem of mining multidimensional inter-transactional association rules was recently introduced in [5, 4]. It extends the scope of mining association rules from traditional single-dimensional intra-transactional associations to multidimensional inter-transactional associations. Inter-transactional association rules can represent not only the associations of items happening within transactions as traditional intra-transactional association rules do, but also the associations of items among different transactions under a multidimensional context. "After McDonald and Burger King open branches, KFC will open a branch two months later and one mile away" is an example of such rules. In this paper, we extend the previous problem definition based on context expansions, and present a generalized multidimensional inter-transactional association rule framework. An algorithm for mining such generalized inter-transactional association rules is presented by extension of Apriori. We report our e xperiments on applying the algorithm to real-life data sets. Empirical evaluation shows that with the generalized inter-transactional association rules, more comprehensive and interesting association relationships can be detected.
Hongjun Lu,et al.
Beyond intratransaction association analysis: mining multidimensional intertransaction association rules
Anthony K. H. Tung,et al.
Breaking the barrier of transactions: mining inter-transaction association rules
KDD '99.
Hongjun Lu,et al.
Stock movement prediction and N-dimensional inter-transaction association rules
SIGMOD 1998.
Tomasz Imielinski,et al.
Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases
SIGMOD Conference.
Ramakrishnan Srikant,et al.
Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases
Ramakrishnan Srikant,et al.
Fast algorithms for mining association rules
VLDB 1998.
Hongjun Lu,et al.
Mining inter-transaction associations with templates
CIKM '99.