Site Investigation of Bridges on and over the Parkways In Western Kentucky

Determination of the seismic risk of the bridges on and over the parkways in Western Kentucky requires evaluating the current condition of the individual elements of the bridges. Except for culverts, all bridges were visually inspected, photographed and the records were stored in a database. Data of the visual inspection and the photographs were combined to form the completed site inspection forms. Any visually observed deficiencies of the bridge elements were recorded. A Compact Disc (CD) that includes pictures of the bridges is attached to this report. The site inspection forms of all bridges on and over the parkways in Western Kentucky are combined with the bridge inventory to determine statistical figures regarding the characteristics of the bridges. The site inspection forms are an invaluable source that provides images of the existing conditions, assists in pre-earthquake preparation plans, and forms the basis to develop post-earthquake emergency response, inspection, and evaluation plans.