Vertical Dynamic Train/Track Interaction - Verifying a Theoretical Model by Full-Scale Experiments

SUMMARY A numerical method has been developed by which track deformations and the dynamic forces acting between train wheels and rails may be simulated. The method allows for calculation of deflections, accelerations and sectional forces in various track components. The work has resulted in increased possibilities to investigate how parameters such as speed, axle load, wheel base of a bogie, rail corrugations, wheelflats etc influence the dynamic behaviour of track and vehicle components. The computational method may serve as a tool for optimizing the track with reference to life of track components. In order to verify the computational method, a full-scale measurement program was accomplished on the West Coast line in Sweden. Measurements of strains and accelerations in the track were made simultaneously with measurements on the train of rail/wheel contact forces and accelerations. Test results will be presented and compared to calculations. In order to investigate the influence of pad stiffness, the sof...