Characterization of Nanoparticle Release from Polymer Nanocomposites Due to Fire | NIST
Engineered nanoparticles, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanofibers (CNFs) are increasingly being used as fire retardants and performance additives in polymeric materials. However, because of their small size and ability to interact with biological molecules, these nanoadditives may pose significant health and environmental risks if they are released into the environment [1,2]. Although it is unlikely that encapsulated nanostructures will be released when the materials containing them are used in protected, indoor environments, this risk becomes more significant when these materials are exposed to fire (either unintended or during incineration) or other forms of intense energy (e.g., sunlight) when they are disposed of in landfills. The nanoparticulate morphologies generated in this way may be vastly different than those adopted by the pristine nanostructures due to agglomeration and interactions with other decomposition products and may pose significant new health risks [3].