A Customized Device Recommender System based on Context-Aware in Ubiquitous Environments
In ubiquitous environments, invisible devices and software are connected to one another to provide convenient services to users. In this environments, users want to get a variety of customized services by using only an individual mobile device which has limitations such as tiny display screens, limited input, and less powerful processors. Therefore, The device sharing for solving these limitation problems and its efficient processing is one of the new research topics. This paper proposes a device recommender system which searches and recommends devices for composing user requested services. The device recommender system infers devices based on environmental context of a user. However, customized devices for each user are different because of a variety of user preference even if users want to get the same service in the same space, Therefore the paper considers the user preference for device recommendation. Our device recommender system is implemented and tested on the real mobile object developed for device sharing in ubiquitous environments. Therefore we can expect that the system will be adaptable in real device sharing environments.