Word Processing in Accountancy Training

Word processing has become increasingly important in today's world of information technology. The capabilities of new word processing packages have far reaching impact on information processing. Can accounting educators who are concerned over accounting packages afford to overlook the importance of basic word processing? What is the relevance of word processing to accounting students? This article will explore the far-reaching possibilities of word processing in accounting education in the context of its demand in the accounting world. It will also attempt to determine the overall value of word processing in communication for accounting professionals. A survey was also conducted on 103 first-year accountancy students from the Nanyang Technological University to determine their awareness of word processing. This information should help provide accounting educators with information on the entry behavior of accounting students. It was found that the students are not only aware of word processing but are enthusiastic about the editing features. It is encouraging to know that students have a positive attitude toward word processing. This is important especially in the Singapore context where high tech information processing is gaining importance. What remains to be discussed is how best educators can maximize accounting students' learning of word processing to meet the demands of the year 2020 and beyond.