On Team Guessing with Independent Information
Team theory is the study of situations in which a set of cooperating agents, called a team, each with access to different data or information, attempt to optimize a common criterion, under rules which restrict communication between agents. Team theory is of interest in theoretical studies in economics, communication and control.
A very simple example of a team situation is the following. Each of the team's n agents attempts to ascertain whether or not a certain random event E of probability ½ has occurred. Agent i must base his decision solely on the observation of random variable Ui and the team's goal is to minimize pI = n-1 Σpi, where pi is the probability that agent i makes an error. The main result of this paper is to show that when the variables U1,..., Un are independent, this alone places a positive lower bound on pI, no matter what the joint distribution of E and the data {Ui} may be.
For each n the exact lower bound is determined: it is $\frac{1}{2} \sqrt{2}-1$ for n = 2, ¼ for n = 3 and as n goes to infinity it is asymptotic to $$\frac{1}{2} \left1-\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi n}}\right$$
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[4] Irene A. Stegun,et al. Handbook of Mathematical Functions. , 1966 .