Power system control centre: hardware structure

Just as every power utility is unique in its electrical system structure and operating policy, so too are the control centre hardware structures and design considerations. A review of energy control centre systems throughout the world reveals the wide range of hardware configurations currently operat­ing or projected to be in service within the near future. Despite this diversity, two conceptually different and Centralised systems consist of a main structures have been developed. computer or computers which handle all the SCADA/EMS functions. Distributed systems consist of multiple processing levels; each level is assigned a specific set of functions. This concept enables the assignment of functions to machines best suited to the individual requirements of the respective functions. The main components of the hardware structures are the remote terminals, the communication links, and the real-time computer system. The hardware resources used depend on the following factors: number of measurements and status points, complexity of the automat­ic generation control, extension of breaker and switching control, scan rates, number of CRT and displays, type of MMI, existence of the mapboard, number and complexity of the advanced power application functions, the exist­ence of a dispatcher training simulator.