How to use artificial intelligence in the english language learning classroom

Nowadays, it's expected that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring crisis to English education. This means we don't need any English teachers in the classroom, nor do we need any English education, if we have a machine for English instruction. In Korea, English education has been trying to change from education styles based on cramming and memorization to ones based on communication. However, those people who blamed the cramming and memorizing learning methods for a limited ability to communicate in English are going to embrace the machine itself with the fourth revolution. The purpose of communication is to convey a message. However, it can be delivered very differently depending on speakers’ emotions and feelings which machines do not possess. Therefore, the Fourth Revolution does not have to replace English education. Instead, it should work in cooperation with English education. The purpose of this study is to develop an English class model that uses Artificial Intelligence through Flipped Learning. To do this, English class modules were introduced in blended classes with Flipped Learning class procedures. The model of Cubillos and Ilvento 12 was used to measure self-efficacy, along with a checklist asking about academic self-efficacy, learning motivation, and class satisfaction. Each item consisted of five Likert scales. Questions were answered using the Likert expression 5 point scale, 1 point for ‘not at all’, 2 points for ‘not’, 3 points for ‘normal’, 4 points for ‘yes’ and 5 points for ‘very’, respectively. To find out students’ language achievement, a paired t test was used. The reliability of the test used in the study was tested through Cronbach's α. The reliability of the items was analyzed over.70.