Mature Thunderstorm Cloud-Top Structure and Dynamics: A Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation Study
Abstract An anelastic three-dimensional model is used to investigate the effects of vertical wind shear regime on cloud-top structure and internal properties of mature isolated midlatitude thunderstorms. Four comparative experiments, designated A through D, are performed with varying shear profiles in otherwise identical initializations. Cases A-C assume strong shear, differing only in the veering of the low-level hodograph: moderate in A, strong in B and none in C. Weak shear, everywhere 40% as great as in C, is assumed in case D. The strong-shear cases A-C show moderately vigorous quasi-steady mature updrafts with strong midlevel mesovortex couplets, and marked anvil elongation along the net vertical shear vector. Differences are modest, especially at cloud top, though with low-level hodograph curvature the updraft is enhanced and skewed toward the cyclonic right flank. The weak-shear case D shows a weaker and less persistent mature updraft than A-C, along with weaker midlevel rotation and a much more n...