In this paper we present an application of a class of quasi-nonexpansive operators to iterative methods for solving the following variational inequality problem VIP(F,C): Find ū ∈ C such that 〈F ū, z−ū〉 ≥ 0 for all z ∈ C, where C is a closed and convex subset of a Hilbert space H and F : H → H is strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous. A classical method for VIP(F,C) is the gradient projection (GP) method x = PC(x k − μFx) which generates sequences converging to the unique solution of VIP(F,C) if μ > 0 is sufficiently small. Unfortunately, in many optimization problems the GP method cannot be applied, because it requires an explicit computation of PCu k in each iteration, where u = x − μFx. To overcome this disadvantage of the GP method, one can replace the operator PC employed in the k-th iteration of the method by a quasi-nonexpansive operator Tk and a constant μ by λk ≥ 0, k ≥ 0, satisfying ⋂ ∞ k=0 FixTk ⊇ FixT and limk λk = 0. The new method can be presented equivalently as a so called general hybrid steepest descent (GHSD) method in the form u = Tku k − λkFTku . One should, however, suppose something more on the operators Tk in order to guarantee the convergence of u k to the solution of VIP(F,C). In this paper we introduce a class of approximately shrinking operators, prove the closedness of this class with respect to compositions and convex combinations and apply the operators from this class to a general hybrid steepest descent method for solving VIP(F,C). We give sufficient conditions for the convergence of the GHSD method as well as present several examples of methods which satisfy these conditions. In particular, we apply the results in the case, when C = ⋂ m i=1 FixUi and Ui : H → H are quasi-nonexpansive operators having a common fixed point, i = 1, 2, ...,m.

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