A Study on the Analysis of Relations between Classroom Illumination and Variation of the Students` Eyesight and Improvement of the Classroom Illumination in Primary School

According to the recent investigation, the 4th grade students` eyesight weakness was occurred on a large scale in primary school. To improve the classroom illumination environment which affects students` eyesight weakness of the 4th grade student, an analysis of illumination environment and an eyesight acuity for the whole 4th year students was held. In four out of the whole classrooms, each improvement work in illumination has done using different types of luminaires. Re-test of eyesight was held for students who studied under the improved illumination environment for 10 months and students under the environment not improved. Comparative analysis of the results which was obtained from re-test and measurements was carried out. Consequently, influence on the eyesight variation by classroom illumination was analysed and the improvement of classroom illumination was researched.