A computer-based application for core course outcomes assessment and program continuous improvement using an integrative business plan — an empirical evaluation

Outcomes assessment and continuous program improvement has become an increasingly important topic in higher education. ASCSB and governmental bodies often require this type of self-analysis. This paper presents and examines a model of business common core course as­ sessment and improvement using an integrated business plan in the upper division strategic management capstone course. An emphasis is placed demonstrating how computer and infor­ mation technology is used for instruction and as a means for outcomes assessment. Also, an evaluation of empirical data developed over a one-year period is presented. The manuscript also reflects on some of the problems and issues engendered by any formal and required out­ comes assessment program. It is the authors hope that this approach will serve as one model in the development of outcomes assessment and quality control programs in Colleges of Business Administration. INTRODUCTION Increasingly, Colleges of Business are being implored to develop and implement an out­ comes assessment plan for their academic programs. These plans are expected for AACSB ac­ creditation and are being mandated by state governmental agencies. This paper briefly looks at the outcomes assessment process and presents one computer based integrative model which may be used to assess upper division undergraduate business core courses. If used correctly, this model will also serve as a continuous improvement instrument for these common core courses. An integral part of this assignment is the use of a computer software package for preparing an integrative business plan and the use of the internet as a source for up-to-date information on the