High temperature properties of thick-film and LTCC components (Wysokotemperaturowe właściwości elementów grubowarstwowych i LTCC)

There is an increased demand for electronics that can work in harsh environment involving high temperature. Applications inclu-de sensors and actuators for control in petroleum and geothermal industry, process monitoring and distributed control systems in automotive and aerospace [1–3]. Complete extreme high-tempe-rature electronic systems require active devices as well as pro-per passive components (eg. resistors, capacitors, inductors). There comes also the requirement for further miniaturization and integration of electronic components. Thick-film and LTCC (low temperature co-fired ceramics) technologies are well-established and relatively low-cost fabrication method of passives. Thus, they represent promising fabrication techniques to meet the demands for devices that are miniaturized and operate at high temperatu-re [4–7]. This paper presents manufacturing process of thick-film and LTCC resistors, planar inductors and interdigital capacitors as well as their chosen electrical and stability properties in a wide frequency and temperature range.