This paper is concerned with a seque nce-lo-seque nce transformation s tudie d e xt e ns ive ly by Samuel Lubkin [J . R es. NBS 48, 228-254 (1952)1. Lubkin has studied the rate of con ve rgence of th e tra nsform ed seque nce, {Tn}, ve rs us the ori gin a l seque nce, {Sn }. In thi s respect, th e authors ha ve s hown tha t a more acc ura te evaluation of th e t ra nsform a tio n is achi eve d b y the compa ri son of {Tn} with {S"+I} in s tead of {Sn}. The ma in theore ms proved a re rate-o f- conv e rgence compari sons be tween {Tn} and {S" +I} wh e r e {SIl l is th e seque nce of pa rti al sums of a conve rgent seri es whose te rms are of const ant s ign or else are alte rnatin g. Key Word s: Conve rge nce accele ra ti on techniques; e ps il on·tra nsfo rm a ti on; nonlin ear seri es tra nsformati on; nume ri cal meth ods; seri es summa bilit y methods.
T. A. Bromwich.
An Introduction To The Theory Of Infinite Series
I. Marx.
Remark Concerning a Non-Linear Sequence-to-Sequence Transform
H. L. Gray,et al.
Nonlinear Transformations Related to the Evaluation of Improper Integrals. I
A. C. Aitken.
XXV.—On Bernoulli's Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations
D. Shanks.
Non‐linear Transformations of Divergent and Slowly Convergent Sequences
T. MacRobert,et al.
An Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series.
P. Wynn,et al.
On the Convergence and Stability of the Epsilon Algorithm