Using the OSCE to measure clinical skills performance in nursing.

The measurement of clinical skills performance continues to pose a challenge for nurse educators. This paper will report on the use of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to measure the psychomotor learning outcomes of a programme designed to assist students to learn to conduct a nursing neurological examination. The OSCE has a tradition in medicine, having been developed by Ronald Harden in Scotland and first reported in the British Medical Journal in 1975. The University of Ottawa has the longest North American experience with this type of evaluation procedure and there is an increasingly rich medical literature referring to the OSCE. Although the OSCE appears to be a promising method for evaluating competence in the performance of clinical skills, there are no studies in the nursing literature examining the use of the OSCE as a method for evaluating the performance of clinical skills by nurses. Our experience suggests that the OSCE may be a powerful tool in the evaluation of clinical competence in nursing and that it may also be an effective facilitator for learning to perform clinical skills in nursing.