Expected utility hypotheses and the Allais Paradox : contemporary discussions of decisions under uncertainty with Allais' rejoinder
Introductory Survey.- The Foundations of a Positive Theory of Choice involving Risk and a Criticism of the Postulates and Axioms of the American School.- CriticaI Examination of the New Foundation of Utility.- A Short Confirmation of My Standpoint.- Utilities, Psychological Values, and Decision Makers.- Some Reflections on Utility.- A Reply to Allais.- Utility and Stochastic Dominance.- Maximizing Expected Utility and the Rule of Long Run Success.- Adaptive Utility.- On the Nature of Expected Utility.- The St. Petersburg Puzzle.- Towards a Positive Theory of Preferences Under Risk.- The Naturalistic Versus the Intuitionistic School of Values.- Utility Theory: Axioms versus 'Paradoxes'.- Comparison of Decision Models and some Suggestions.- The So-called Allais Paradox and Rational Decisions Under Uncertainty.- Subject Indexes.- - Parts I (Foreword), II and V.- - Allais' notation.- - Parts I (Introductory Survey), III and IV.- Name Index.