Identification and Analysis of Advanced Manufacturing Processes Susceptible of Generating New and Emerging Occupational Risks

Abstract Advanced manufacturing processes (AMP) are characterized by innovative variables of a technological and organizational nature which tend to change with workplaces, processes and conventional work practices, and can generate, as well as traditional occupational risks, other so-called new and emerging risks (NER). The main innovative aspect of this paper is that such risks have been analyzed applying recent specific models in the field, with the overall aim of identifying susceptible AMP of generating NER. From the results the main apparent conclusion is that there is NER of a general nature susceptible in AMP but it is not possible, in most cases, to establish direct links with specific AMP. However, it has been possible to identify among those NER a set of technological aspects with which can be established a starting point to facilitate the identification of AMP that are potential generators of NER.