Venocclusive disease of the liver after chemoradiotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation.

We determined the incidence of venocclusive disease of the liver (VOD) in 96 recipients of autologous bone marrow transplants (BMT) to be 9.4%, a figure less than that reported for allogeneic transplantation. The development of VOD was compared in a cohort of 21 autologous BMT recipients and in 56 randomly chosen, comparably conditioned, concurrent allogeneic BMT recipients. One of these 21 (4.8%) autologous recipients developed VOD, versus 14 of 56 (25%) allogeneic recipients (P less than 0.05). Logistic regression analysis confirmed pretransplant hepatocellular dysfunction as a risk factor for VOD, and suggested that the use of methotrexate and/or cyclosporine contributes to the development of VOD after chemoradiation therapy. However, a graft-versus-host reaction cannot be excluded as a cause of the higher incidence of VOD in allogeneic recipients.