Quantum many-body systems, as they appear in different branches of physics and chemistry, are very hard to simulate. The number of parameters defining their quantum states grows exponentially with the number of constituents. This prevents us from exploring and investigating relevant problems involving relatively small numbers of subsystems even with the help of the most powerful supercomputers. Richard Feynman already noticed this difficulty back in 1981 when he wrote his visionary paper “Simulating Physics with Computers” [Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21:6/7, 467 (1982)]. There, he proposed to use quantum systems (as opposed to classical computers) to perform the simulation and in this way to circumvent the need to store and compute a colossal number of parameters, necessary to describe the pertaining superpositions. What was a visionary idea at that time has become a very active field of research in the last few years. The extraordinary progress of both theoretical and experimental research in quantum physics allows us now to tame, control, and manipulate various quantum systems with unprecedented precision. Laser, magnetic, electronic and other technologies enable us to arrange quantum subsystems in different geometries, modify their interactions, and detect them. This allows us to engineer Hamiltonians and emulate systems displaying some of the most intriguing quantum phenomena. This tremendous progress is, to a large extent, due to the pioneering work of many researchers during the last twenty to thirty years. Here, the investigations of basic phenomena with one or few atoms or photons were of particular impact. The degree of control achieved in the experiments has enabled the observation of mind-boggling quantum effects, related to the superposition principle or to entangled states, and their disappearance due to decoherence. In fact, the 2012 Nobel Prize has been awarded to two scientists, S. Haroche and D. Wineland, for such ground-breaking experiments. Such experiments, often in combination with laser cooling of atoms or ions and Bose-Einstein condensation, have formed one of the pillars on which the field of quantum simulations is being established. Quantum simulations with cold atoms, either in magnetic traps or in optical lattices, with trapped ions, with photons, with superconducting devices, with quantum dots, etc., have been theoretically proposed and experimentally considered by many researchers. Most of the proposals so far deal with problems in condensed matter physics that are either difficult to tackle with modern supercomputers or are difficult to observe in solid state systems. This has established a very close link between different disciplines, like atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics, and condensed matter physics. Although some of the experiments are still in their infancy, and a lot of research is still needed, the extraordinary progress made in all these research areas during the last few years makes us feel confident that in the not too distant future quantum simulators will provide a key tool to investigate many-body quantum systems. Furthermore, we also expect that quantum simulators will help quantum physicists to establish new and fruitful links to other scientific communities, like highenergy physics or quantum chemistry. The present special issue contains various review papers as well as research papers on quantum simulations. It starts out with two papers written by last year’s Nobel Prize winners describing their foundational work (Wineland, p. 739 and Haroche, p. 763). The issue continues with three thorough, invited review papers covering different topics on quantum simulations. The first one reviews recent theoretical proposals to use cold atoms in optical lattices to simulate lattice gauge theories of the sort that appear in highenergy physics (U.-J. Wiese, p. 783). The second covers both theoretical proposals and experimental demonstrations of cold-atom systems to simulate the physics of matter in the presence of gauge fields, displaying so-called topological phenomena, which so far have only been observed in solid-state systems (I. Spielman, p. 794). The third one contains an extensive overview and new proposals to perform a broad range of quantum simulations using