STM32F4 기반의 실시간 임베디드 시스템의 가동시간 향상을 위한 긴 꼬리 와치독 타이머 기법
High availability is of utmost importance in real-time embedded systems. Temporary failures due to software or hardware faults should not result in a system crash. To achieve high availability, embedded systems typically use a combination of hardware and software techniques. A watchdog timer is a hardware component in embedded microprocessors that can be used to automatically reset the processor if software anomalies are detected. The embedded system relies on a single watchdog timer, however, can be permanently disabled if the timer is not properly configured, e.g. falling into an indefinite loop. STM32F4 provides two different types of watchdog timer in terms of timing accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach, called long-tail watchdog timer, to utilize both timers to achieve self-reliance in embedded systems even though one of timers fails. Experimental results confirm that the proposed approach successfully handles various failure scenarios and present performance comparisons between single watchdog timer and hybrid approach in terms of configuration parameters of watchdog timers in STM32F4, counter value and window size.
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