Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Enterprise (ESE) 2012

Two main trends emerged in the enterprise in the past years. On one hand, Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, microblogs and wikis for enterprise-scale collaboration and information management became widely used for information management, leading to a move to "Enterprise 2.0". At the same time, Semantic Web technologies have emerged allowing enterprise users to transparently provide structured and meaningful data in the enterprise thanks to vocabularies representing social data. These technologies enhance information management and sharing with an enterprise, leading to the "Social Semantic Enterprise", where both Semantic Web technologies and Social Web principles converge. Although the adoption of the Semantic Web technologies in enterprises is growing very fast, some major challenges related to their exploitation in enterprises remain, including personalization, near real-time integration or scalability. For this workshop, we have selected four papers that addressed the above topics.