IRIS: Supporting & Managing the Research Life-Cycle.

IRIS is a new Current Research Information System (CRIS) developed by Cineca to upgrade and replace two previous solutions that have been used by Italian universities in the last 10 years. At the end of 2015, sixty-three Italian institutions are using IRIS. One of the main components of IRIS is DSpace-CRIS, an open source solution that can also be used as a standalone system, and as such is now installed in seven institutions outside Italy. The many solutions that IRIS provides include support for national research assessment exercises, institutional repositories (IR) and an expert finder. Both IRIS and DSpace-CRIS are compliant with the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF), allowing easy interchange and benchmarking with other CERIF compliant systems. New IRIS functionality includes Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) push / pull interoperability. IRIS has five different modules integrated together through standard protocols and interfaces.