Influence of Newly Industrial Mechanisms on the Energy Consumption
The new type of industrialization not only differs from the t raditional one of China, but also greatly differs from those of the developed co untries. Theoretical analysis shows that the existence of these differences has undoubtedly influenced the energy consumption significantly. Industrialization t o be propelled by information industry development is one of characteristics for new type of industrialization. This not only accelerates the process of industr ialization, and influences the changes in the industrial structure, but also gre atly reduces the intensity of energy consumption. The mode of industry developme nt characterized by putting the human resources into full play, and reducing the energy consumption will directly speed up the technology progress oriented at t he resource saving. Therefore, the input into the energy saving technology will greatly increase. The new type of industrialization will avoid following the o ld way of "pollution first and treatment later", which the developed countries h ad experienced. The energy consumption structure dominated by coal in China will be gradually altered in the process of new type industrialization.