Important Scene Detection Of Baseball Videos Via Time-Lag Aware Deep Multiset Canonical Correlation Maximization

This paper presents a new important scene detection method of baseball videos based on correlation maximization between heterogeneous modalities via time-lag aware deep multiset canonical correlation analysis (Tl-dMCCA). The technical contributions of this paper are twofold. First, textual, visual and audio features calculated from tweets and videos are adopted as multi-view time series features. Since Tl-dMCCA which utilizes these features includes the unsupervised embedding scheme via deep networks, the proposed method can flexibly express the relationship between heterogeneous features. Second, since there is the time-lag between posted tweets and the corresponding multiple previous events, Tl-dMCCA considers the time-lag relationships between them. Specifically, we newly introduce the representation of such time-lags into the derivation of their covariance matrices. By considering time-lags via Tl-dMCCA, the proposed method correctly detects important scenes.

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