Exploration Mobile Robot for Coal Mines

This paper describes a Main Control System (MCS) and 3D map subsystem of the mobile robot TELERESCUER for inspecting coal mine areas affected by catastrophic events. It is carried out in a framework of a EU programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel under the grant agreement No. RFCR-CT-2014-00002. The interesting problem is to applicate the very demanding safe requirements of ATEX on the design of the control system including its communication with other robot subsystems. Due to a very innovative and advanced HMI the system allows the rescuer to operate the robot as if he were at the very center point of the scene of the robot’s operation.6 This project is solved by consortium of: Silesian University of Technology (Poland), VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), AITEMIN (Spain), SIMMERSION GMBH (Austria) and SKYTECH RESEARCH (Poland).