Classical and modern branching processes
Large deviation rates for supercritical and critical branching processes.- How fast does a general branching random walk spread?.- Boltzmann-Gibbs weights in the branching random walk.- Stochastic monotonicity and branching processes.- Multilevel multitype branching models of an information system.- On the shape of the wavefront of branching random walk.- Limiting distributions in branching processes with two types of particles.- Depth-first search of random trees, and Poisson point processes.- Towards dependence in general branching processes.- A criterion of boundedness of discrete branching random walk.- Quasistationarity in a branching model of division-within-division.- Population and density dependent branching processes.- Directed polymers in random media and spin glass models on trees..- A conceptual proof of the Kesten-Stigum theorem for multi-type branching processes.- On two measures defined on the boundary of a branching tree.- Which critically branching populations persist?.- A simple path to Biggins' martingale convergence for branching random walk.- Unsolved problems concerning random walks on trees.- Branching processes with local dependencies.- Sharpness of second moment criteria for branching and tree-indexed processes.- On the recognition and structure of probability generating functions.- Record values of a family of branching processes.- Limit skeleton for critical crump-mode-Jagers branching processes.- Markov cascades.- Limit theorems for branching processes with random migration stopped at zero.