Highly reliable and efficient laser bars and cost efficient packaging

High power diode lasers convince by their very efficient conversion of electrical into optical energy. Besides high efficiencies and record absolute power levels, reliability in all possible operation modes and cost become increasingly important. We present diode laser bars in the 940nm range with wall plug efficiencies of about 65% at an emission power of 100W and with excellent reliability. The test had been performed on a stack with 5 bars at an output power of 100W per 1cm bar and after about 4000hrs test time, lifetimes of more than 40 000hour were estimated. The efficiency of these bars was at the beginning and at the end of this test about 65%. Operation modes between cw operation and q-cw (200μsec pulses) were evaluated and it will be shown, that pulses in the range of 1Hz are the hardest conditions, which can cause catastrophic failures. Using submounts with matched thermal expansion coefficient, this failure was prevented and lifetimes similar to cw-operation were reached. In order to reduce costs of laser power, we developed a laser package that offers high power at good reliability and provides a collimated beam for about 5$/W, as a cost target in mass production conditions. This was achieved by using packaging concepts that were developed for high power semiconductor devices. These results will further enhance the applicability of diode lasers in industrial application.