Gold Mineralisation in the Palaeoproterozoic Rocks of Sanjela-Manpur-Dugocha Belt, Salumber Area, Udaipur District, Rajasthan

Ground re-evaluation of airborne electromagnetic and magnetic anomaly zones associated with geological and geochemical studies has brought to light the presence of two significant zones of gold mineralisation at Baratalav- Dugocha and Manpur-Lohagarh in Sanjela-Manpur-Dugocha belt of Salumbar area, Udaipur district, Rajasthan The area exposes a Palaeoproterozoic carbonate dominated volcano-sedimentary sequence including quartzite, dolomite and meta-exhahte of the Debari Group forming a part of the Aravalh Supergroup This sequence shows polyphase deformation and greenschist facies metamorphism and shows presence of shear zones trending in northwest- southeast direction in conformity with the general foliation trend of the rocks in the area The shear zones are characterized by siltcification, brecciation, and hydrothermal alteration Auriferous sulphide mineralisation occurs in the Jagpura Formation of the Debari Group in the Sanjela Manpur- Dugocha belt The Baratalav-Dugocha mineralised zone characterized by occurrence of gossan and presence of ancient workings is confined to a shear zone Bedrock samples from a thick band of meta-exhahte within the dolomite horizon occurring northwest of Dugocha have analysed 1 to 4 ppm of gold The gold values in dolomite range between 0 10 ppm and 2 70 ppm in Baratalav and between 0 15 ppm and 8 52 ppm in Dugocha area The Manpur Lohagarh mineralised zone, characterised by linear ancient workings and gossans, also occurs in the proximity of a shear zone Richer concentration of gold mineralisation can be expected along shear zones that are believed to have offered easy passage for gold-sulphide mineralising fluids.