Efficient Sanitizable Signatures Without Random Oracles

Sanitizable signatures, introduced by Ateniese et al. (ESORICS ’05), allow the signer to delegate the sanitization right of signed messages. The sanitizer can modify the message and update the signature accordingly, so that the sanitized part of the message is kept private. For stronger protection of sensitive information, it is desirable that no one can link sanitized message-signature pairs of the same document. This idea was formalized by Brzuska et al. (PKC ’10) as unlinkability, which was followed up recently by Fleischhacker et al. (PKC ’16). Unfortunately, these generic constructions of sanitizable signatures, unlinkable or not, are based on building blocks with specially crafted features which efficient (standard model) instantiations are absent. Basing on existing primitives or a conceptually simple primitive is more desirable.

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