A measuring equipment for electric and magnetic fields in the range of the ionosphere—Magnetosphere plasma mounted aboard the “Intercosmos-Bulgaria 1300” satellite

Abstract A system for simultaneous measurement of the electric and magnetic fields mounted on board the satellite “Intercosmos-Bulgaria 1300” is reported. electric fields are measured by the double probe method by floating potential. The sensors are four glass-carbon spheres mounted on three 5.14 m booms. The distance between the spheres in X and Y direction is 7.5 m, in Z direction—1.8 m. The sensor system and associated electronics are developed in order to assure high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range. Magnetic fields within the range of ±64000 nT are measured by a three component flux gate magnetometer. The field acting on each probe is compensated by an 8 bit analog-digit-analog converter in 256 steps a 500 nT. The uncompensated residual is telemetered in analog form. Overall accuracy is 0.05% ± 2.5 nT.