Feature analysis and the role of similarity in preattentive vision

Texture arrays of line elements at various orientations were used to study three phenomena of preattentive vision. Subjects were asked (1) to discriminate texture areas and to distinguish their form (experiments on texture segmentation); (2) to detect salient or vertical line elements (experiments on pop-out); and (3) to identify configurations of similar or dissimilar targets (experiments on grouping). Within the patterns, line orientation was systematically varied to distinguish the effect of differences between areas from the effect of similarity within areas. In all of the experiments, performance was found to depend on local orientation contrast at texture borders rather than on the analysis of line orientation itself. Texture areas were correctly identified only when the orientation contrast at the border well exceeded the overall variation of line orientation in the pattern. Similarly, only target elements with high local orientation contrast were detected fast and “in parallel.” Targets with an orientation contrast lower than background variation required serial search. Preattentive grouping was found to depend on saliency, as defined by local orientation contrast, but not on the similarity of line elements. In addition to local orientation contrast, which played an important role in all of the visual phenomena studied, influences from the alignment of line elements with the outline of a figure were also seen.

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