High-power ridge-wavequide broad-area lasers with a DFB resonator in the wavelength range 760- to 790-nm

Experimental investigations on RW and BA DFB lasers emitting in the wavelength range between 760 and 790 nm are presented. The maximum output powers are 300 mW and 2.4 W for the RW and BA devices, respectively. The optical spectra of the RW DFB lasers show single mode emission with a side-mode suppression ratio of about 50 dB. The profile of the lateral far field reveals stable lasing of the fundamental lateral mode without any beam steering up to 250 mW power. The spectral linewidth of the RW devices is < 2 MHz and sufficiently small for spectroscopic applications (e.g. D2 line of rubidium vapor). The BA devices have a full l/e2 width of the spectrum of 0.08 nm at 0.5 W and 0.16 nm at 2 W.