교과서에 기초한 교육과정 개선 방안 탐색

This study investigates potential improvements or the Korean national elementary integrated curriculum (disciplined life, intelligent life, pleasant life) for Grade 1 (G1) and Grade 2 (G2), by examining approaches to compiling national textbooks. The researcher analyzed the process by which textbooks organize the given curriculum, providing suggestions for main-themes, sub-themes, and activity-themes accordingly. The results of this study indicate that; firstly, sixteen national textbooks have been organized according to the main-themes of the national curriculum; these themes have been bound into plans, represented by fascicles. In this context, the researcher suggests that research be undertaken to investigate whether or not the number of themes should be expanded from eight to sixteen. Secondly, each lesson in the textbooks has been organized according to sub-themes of the national curriculum; this principle of organizing each main theme into four sub-themes should be investigated. Finally, the standards of the content and activity-selection lessons focus on activity-themes and academic achievements; as a result, all ninety-nine academic achievements for the national elementary integrated subject curriculum were analyzed. This study found that thirteen of these academic achievements are inordinately abstract, lacking in comprehensiveness, or are exceedingly narrow. Improvement plans for these academic achievements are suggested.