Games and Decision Making, Second Edition, is a unique blend of decision theory and game theory. From classical optimization to modern game theory, authors Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Subir K. Chakrabarti show the importance of mathematical knowledge in understanding and analyzing issues in decision making. Through an imaginative selection of topics, Aliprantis and Chakrabarti treat decision and game theory as part of one body of knowledge. They move from problems involving the individual decision-maker to progressively more complex problems such as sequential rationality, auctions, and bargaining. By building each chapter on material presented earlier, the authors offer a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of these topics. Successfully class-tested in an advanced undergraduate course at the Krannert School of Management and in a graduate course in economics at Indiana University, Games and Decision Making, Second Edition, is an essential text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of decision theory and game theory. The book is accessible to students who have a good basic understanding of elementary calculus and probability theory. New to this Edition * Chapter 2 includes new sections on two-person games, best-response strategies, mixed strategies, and incomplete information * Chapter 4 has been expanded to provide new material on behavior strategies and applications * The chapter on auctions (5) includes a new section on revenue equivalence * Offers two new chapters, on repeated games (7) and existence results (9) * New applications have been added to all the chapters
T. Schelling,et al.
The Strategy of Conflict.
A. C. Chiang.
Fundamental methods of mathematical economics
T. Ichiishi.
Game theory for economic analysis
J. Friedman.
Game theory with applications to economics
David M. Kreps,et al.
A Course in Microeconomic Theory
Roger B. Myerson,et al.
Game theory - Analysis of Conflict
Lloyd S. Shapley,et al.
On Kakutani's fixed point theorem, the K-K-M-S theorem and the core of a balanced game
R. Gibbons.
Game theory for applied economists
John McMillan.
Games, Strategies, and Managers
R. Gardner.
Games for business and economics
P. Morris.
Introduction to Game Theory
Stefan Lejgh.
The Pleasures of Probability