Operation Borderstar Field Evaluation of the Ration, Lightweight, 30-Day

Abstract : During the period 24 March to 1 April 1985, a field test of the prototype Ration, Lightweight, 30-Day (RLW-30) was conducted at Ft. Bliss, Texas. The experiment was designed to compare the RLW-30 with the Food Packet Assault (FPA) under field conditions. Patrol, Command & Control, and Radio troops of the 9th Infantry Division served as subjects. Subjects consuming the RLW-30 or FPA were required to keep a Daily Ration Log-Book, in which they recorded the acceptability of the ration, the amount of ration consumed, amount of water consumed, and the frequency of urinations and defecations per day. Posttest questionnaires required subjects to rate the ration on acceptability, portion size, variety, rehydration, and to recommend changes. In addition, personal interviews were conducted. Overall, the RLW-30 performed well in this first operational field test. Acceptability ratings for the RLW-30 entrees were either significantly higher than or not significantly different from those of the FPA. The most desired ration changes to be made included: more bars to satisfy hunger, more variety of beverage bars, and less water required to rehydrate.