Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems

Philosophical paradigms, theoretical frameworks, and methodologies make up the answering and problem solving systems that define current research approaches. While there are multiple research method books, the subject lacks an update and integrated source of reference for graduate courses.Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems aims to advance scientific knowledge on research approaches used in systems engineering, software engineering, and information systems and to update and integrate disperse and valuable knowledge on research approaches. This aims to be a collection of knowledge for PhD students, research-oriented faculty, and instructors of graduate courses.

[1]  Richard Widdows,et al.  The Focus Group Interview: A Method for Assessing Users' Evaluation of Library Service , 1991 .

[2]  John W. Creswell,et al.  Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches , 1997 .

[3]  A. Strauss,et al.  Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. , 1992 .

[4]  Anita Greenhill,et al.  Exploring "Events" as an Information Systems Research Methodology , 2007, Int. J. Technol. Hum. Interact..

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[10]  J. Backhouse,et al.  Becoming part of the furniture: the institutionalization of information systems , 1997 .

[11]  N. Denzin,et al.  The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research , 2005 .

[12]  John W. Creswell,et al.  Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches , 2010 .

[13]  Nathalie Mitev,et al.  Postmodernism and Criticality in Information Systems Research , 2006 .

[14]  Jan H. Kroeze,et al.  Bootstrapping an XML Schema of syntactic functions into a skeleton ontology , 2009 .

[15]  Mary Beth Chrissis,et al.  CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement , 2003 .

[16]  Petri Kettunen Managing embedded software project team knowledge , 2003, IEE Proc. Softw..

[17]  Torgeir Dingsøyr,et al.  Practical knowledge management tool use in a software consulting company , 2005, CACM.

[18]  Frederico T. Fonseca,et al.  The double role of ontologies in information science research , 2007, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

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[21]  Jan Hendrik Kroeze,et al.  Ontology goes postmodern in ICT , 2010, SAICSIT '10.

[22]  Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran,et al.  What are ontologies, and why do we need them? , 1999, IEEE Intell. Syst..

[23]  Anna Sidorova,et al.  Uncovering the Intellectual Core of the Information Systems Discipline , 2008, MIS Q..

[24]  Jan H. Kroeze,et al.  The mutualistic relationship between information systems and the humanities , 2010 .

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[28]  R. Goede,et al.  The applicability of grounded theory as research methodology in studies on the use of methodologies in IS practices , 2003 .

[29]  Torgeir Dingsøyr,et al.  A study of a Mentoring Program for Knowledge Transfer in a Small Software Company , 2005 .

[30]  Shuib Basri,et al.  Understanding the Perception of Very Small Software Companies towards the Adoption of Process Standards , 2010, EuroSPI.

[31]  Kosheek Sewchurran,et al.  ECIS 2010 Panel Report: Humanities-Enriched Information Systems , 2011, Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst..

[32]  Anselm L. Strauss,et al.  Basics of qualitative research : techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory , 1998 .

[33]  Patrick Lambe Organising Knowledge: Taxonomies, Knowledge and Organisational Effectiveness , 2007 .

[34]  Steven J. Taylor Introduction to qualitative research methods , 1975 .

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[36]  Gloria L. ZWiga Ontology: Its Transformation From Philosophy to Information Systems , 2001 .

[37]  Rory V. O'Connor,et al.  Ignoring "Best Practice": Why Irish Software SMEs are Rejecting CMMI and ISO 9000 , 2009, Australas. J. Inf. Syst..

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[40]  Colin Trodd Postmodernism and Art , 2011 .

[41]  John W. Murphy Computerization, Postmodern Epistemology, and Reading in the Postmodern Era , 1988 .

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[44]  Stanley Aronowitz Postmodernism and Politics , 1987 .

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[47]  Christian Zirpins,et al.  Lifting XML Schema to OWL , 2004, ICWE.

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[49]  Steve Townend,et al.  Review of: Muhr, T. 1997. ATLAS.ti 5: The Knowledge Workbench. Berlin: Scientific Software Development , 2003 .

[50]  Catherine Belsey,et al.  Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction , 2022 .

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[52]  R. Weber Editor's comments: the rhetoric of positivism versus interpretivism: a personal view , 2004 .

[53]  Jan Pries-Heje,et al.  Grounded action research: a method for understanding IT in practice , 1999 .

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[55]  Frederico T. Fonseca,et al.  Learning The Differences Between Ontologies and Conceptual Schemas Through Ontology-Driven Information Systems , 2007, J. Assoc. Inf. Syst..

[56]  Christina Goulding Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide for Management, Business and Market Researchers , 2002 .

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[61]  Torgeir Dingsøyr,et al.  A Study of a Mentoring Program for Knowledge Transfer in a Small Software Consultancy Company , 2005, PROFES.

[62]  Michael D. Myers,et al.  Qualitative Research in Information Systems , 1997, MIS Q..

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[64]  Mohanad Halaweh,et al.  Integrating the Grounded Theory Method and Case Study Research Methodology Within IS Research: A Possible 'Road Map' , 2008, ICIS.

[65]  Ray Hackney,et al.  Organisational Mission Statements: A Postmodernist Perspective on the Management of the IS/IT Function , 2000, ECIS.

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[78]  Sridhar P. Nerur,et al.  Philosophical Shifts in Software Development , 2004, AMCIS.

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[81]  Michael D. Myers,et al.  A Set of Principles for Conducting Critical Research in Information Systems , 2011, MIS Q..

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[114]  Anita Greenhill,et al.  Preface - Postmodern Methods in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction , 2007 .

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