Cosmic radiation measurements on-board aircraft with the variance method.
The microdosimetric variance-covariance method has been used for cosmic radiation measurements on-board aircraft. Two independent methods of data analysis are presented; the first based on a high energy neutron calibration and the second on identification of single high LET events in the measured multiple event spectrum. Reduced dose levels at high geomagnetic latitudes are observed on one flight in a period of enhanced solar activity as indicated by a reduced ground-level neutron fluence rate. It is shown that with a reduced 137Cs-calibration factor, a Geiger-Mueller tube can be used as a low LET monitor, and that the wall thickness of a tissue-equivalent proportional counter is not crucial for flight measurements. No covariance is observed on any flight indicating it is sufficient to base dose determinations on variance measurements with only one detector. The uncertainties involved are also discussed in some detail.