On the behavior of static susceptibilities in spin glasses

Linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of spin glasses in thermal equilibrium are qualitatively discussed in terms of magnetic short-range order. The apparent discrepancy between theoretical results, implying lack of Edwards-Anderson order and hence a divergence of the susceptibility at zero temperature, and experiments showing a susceptibility saturating at finite values, is considered. It is suggested that the susceptibility must indeed have a static maximum if the system exhibits a (“frustrated”) ferromagnetic phase with a reentrant phase boundary. At the reentrancy point, some exponents of the ferromagnet take twice their normal value, and hence a crossover near this point occurs similar to multicritical points. These observations are used to interpret a number of recent experiments, and it is shown that neither of them proves the existence of a static spin glass phase. As a quantitative example of gradual onset of order without a phase transition in three-dimensional systems, numerical results for susceptibility and specific heat of the fully frustrated Ising fcc antiferromagnet at its critical field are given.Finally the possible coexistence of spin-glass behavior and ferromagnetic long-range order in vector spin glasses with short-range interactions is discussed. Speculative arguments suggest that even for time-scales for which the spins are frozen such a coexistence should not occur, if interactions off-diagonal in the spin components (such as of dipolar origin) are included.


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