Sparsity-Aware Noise Subspace Fitting for DOA Estimation

We propose a sparsity-aware noise subspace fitting (SANSF) algorithm for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using an array of sensors. The proposed SANSF algorithm is developed from the optimally weighted noise subspace fitting criterion. Our formulation leads to a convex linearly constrained quadratic programming (LCQP) problem that enjoys global convergence without the need of accurate initialization and can be easily solved by existing LCQP solvers. Combining the weighted quadratic objective function, the ℓ1 norm, and the non-negative constraints, the proposed SANSF algorithm can enhance the sparsity of the solution. Numerical results based on simulations, using real measured ultrasonic, and radar data, show that, compared to existing sparsity-aware methods, the proposed SANSF can provide enhanced resolution with a lower computational burden.

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