Satellite simulation modeling system using Interface Model

1. Technical Field of the invention defined in the claims The invention, will on the satellite simulation modeling system using the interface standard model. 2. The invention attempts to solve the technical challenges The present invention, receives each modeled as an independent object, the satellite-mounted equipment and interfaces through a model manager, and that converts each pass heterogeneous data in a flight software module and satellite onboard equipment standard model through the model interface standard model target to provide a satellite simulation modeling system using, the interface standard model delivered to that purpose. 3. Resolution of the subject matter of the invention, The present invention, in the satellite simulation modeling system, a satellite-mounted equipment flight software module for outputting a simulated control signal for changing an operating state of the standard model with the interface standard model; The simulation response to the control signal performs a function corresponding to a physical device mounted satellite and the satellite with which outputs the execution result to the satellite onboard equipment standard model standard equipment model; Interface standard model for delivering converts the heterogeneous data between the flight software module and the satellite onboard equipment standard data model into appropriate mutual reception subject; And that comprising: a model manager to generate the satellite-mounted equipment standard model and the interface standard model as independent component object, in the case in which the flight software module or with the satellite equipment standard model is changed, corresponding to the change to update the data processing information and data information connected to the interface standard model also characterized. 4. An important use of the invention, The invention yiyongdoem like satellite simulation system. Satellite simulation modeling system, a satellite-mounted equipment standard model, the interface standard model, the flight software module, heterogeneous data