The Egg Model

The "Egg Model" is a synthetic reservoir model consisting of an ensemble of 101 relatively small three-dimensional realizations of a channelized reservoir produced under water flooding conditions with eight water injectors and four producers. It has been used in numerous publications to demonstrate a variety of aspects related to computer-assisted flooding optimization and history matching. Unfortunately the details of the parameters settings are not always identical and not always fully documented in several of these publications. We present a "standard version" of the Egg Model which is meant to serve as a standard test case in future publications, including a synthetic data set of 100 permeability fields. We implemented and tested the model in four reservoir simulators: Dynamo/Mores (Shell), Eclipse (Schlumberger), AD-GPRS (Stanford University) and MRST (Sintef). This note describes the input parameters of the standard model. Together with the input files for the various simulators it has been be uploaded in the 3TU.Datacentrum repository with free access to external users.