Block theory and its application
Block theory is a geometrically based set of analyses that determine where potentially dangerous blocks can exist in a geological material intersected by variously oriented discontinuities in three dimensions. It applies ideally to hard, blocky rock in which blocks of various sizes may be potential sources of load and hazard in an excavation or foundation. Block theory also can apply to rocks that are highly porous, weathered and fissured, and it may have applicability to some soils. The lecture discusses problems faced in attempting to characterize blocky rock and reviews some methods for gaining adequate data about joint systems. The underlying assumptions of block theory are examined in relation to recent developments and refinements. The main ideas of block theory are reviewed, as are their application to finding and describing key-blocks of tunnels, slopes and foundations. Both translational and rotational analysis are covered, the latter being a recent enlargement of block theory. Examples of practi...