fossil dragonfly ( Anisoptera : Libellulidae : “ Brachydiplacini ” ) from the Miocene of Germany , with a discussion on the phylogeny of Tetrathemistinae and a fossil list for the locality Heggbach

A new dragonfly species, Parabrachydiplax miocenica n. gen. n. sp. (Anisoptera: Libellulidae), is described from the early Middle Miocene of Heggbach in southern Germany. The holotype was collected by the priest J. PROBST in 1865 and represents the earliest record of fossil insect remains from the Upper Freshwater Molasse of Baden-Württemberg. The phylogenetic position of this new genus and species is discussed. It is a very primitive Libellulidae of the subfamily Tetrathemistinae, and can be attributed within the latter taxon to a basal grade within the clearly paraphyletic tribus “Brachydiplacini”. The accompanying fauna and flora of Parabrachydiplax miocenica n. gen. n. sp. is presented, based on a newly revised fossil list for the locality Heggbach.