Matched field inversion for geoacoustic model parameters using adaptive simulated annealing

A method is described for the estimation of geoacoustic model parameters by the inversion of acoustic field data using a nonlinear optimization procedure based on simulated annealing. The cost function used by the algorithm is the Bartlett matched-field processor (MFP), which related the measured acoustic field with replica fields calculated by the SAFARI fast field program. Model parameters are perturbed randomly, and the algorithm searches the multidimensional parameter space of geoacoustic models to determine the parameter set that optimizes the output of the MFP. Convergence is driven by adaptively guiding the search to regions of the parameter space associated with above-average values of the MFP. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated for a vertical line array in a shallow water enviornment where the bottom consists of homogeneous elastic solid layers. Simulated data are used to determine the limits on estimation performance due to error in experimental geometry and to noise contamination. The results indicate that reasonable estimates are obtained for moderate conditions of noise and uncertainty in experimental geometry. >