Progress on the DRDC clutter model
The DRDC Clutter model provides bistatic reverberation and target echo predictions for a towed array in a range-dependent shallow water area. The sound speed and scattering properties are specified on a rectangular grid, and the computations-including the full 3-D beam patterns of the horizontal array-are performed along multiple radials from the receiver. The computational engine is written in Fortran 95, and uses adiabatic normal modes, so is quite efficient computationally. This paper provides an overview of the model, with model-data comparisons, and emphasis on progress made since 2011. Model-data comparisons are shown for towed array reverberation data from the Malta Plateau in the Mediterranean, and predictions are made for reverberation and target echoes from a near-shore area in the Gulf of Mexico where experiments are planned in 2013. In addition to the research version of the model, a Java and C interface developed by Brooke Numerical Services provides a GUI interface for user input, access to ...