The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Mine Training, Motivation and
Organization Culture toward Papuan Apprentices Performance. The Data used primary data and
secondary data as an additional input, the survey respondents consisting of fulltime apprentices who
works directly in PT Freeport Indonesia Mine operations. The research conducted with Purposive
sampling method and taken sample from l00 apprentices. The research method were using descriptive
research method and causal design. To collect data was using survey method with closed questioners as
assistance tools. The data analysis by validity test, reliabilities test, normality test, simple linear
regression analysis and multi linear regression analysis. To process data used SPSS l2.00 program. This
research shown that there is an influence occured among Training variable (Xl), Motivasi variable
(X2) and Organisasi Culture variable (X3) towards Performance (Y) with multi regression equation
results: Y= 0,733+0,386 X
l + 0,273 X2. To upgradeapprentices performance, Nemangkawi MiningInstitute’s Management should consider the training quality and to answer stakeholders needs, up
to date Curriculum and programs, and complete Training facilities. To boost and keep up apprentices
motivation, Organization Culture thru norm and value such as absentism level and discipline must
be known in early prior to work in PTFI. The low absentism level that could be increased with
counseling and guidance by each supervisor or instructors of the Apprentices. The Coefficient beta
results shown that Mine Training variable
(Xl) has largest beta value (0.528). This is shown and
prove that variable Mine Training has significant influence towards Papuan apprentices Performance.
That is true as theory mentioned that Training at IPN has positive influence to increase apprentice
performance. Therefore training purposed are to lift up and improve mastery in skill and
determined work technics with the end results to increase present performance.
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