IcySAT: Improved SAT-based Attacks on Cyclic Locked Circuits

“Cyclic” circuit locking/camouflaging is a recently proposed direction in logic obfuscation for thwarting foundry and end-user reverse engineering. As opposed to traditional schemes, these techniques create cycles in the obfuscated circuit in a way that confuses the attacker but does not disrupt the combinational nature of the circuit. While these schemes can thwart the baseline SAT-based attack, the CycSAT attack was proposed recently to break these schemes through a preprocessing step that builds a Boolean condition to avoid cyclic solutions/keys during the attack. However, follow-up work has suggested that extracting these conditions requires enumerating all cycles in the circuit, or that instead of relying on these conditions preemptively, cyclic solutions must be banned individually on the fly. In this paper we present new algorithms for performing SAT-based attacks on cyclic circuits. We first propose an algorithm that can produce non-cyclic conditions in polynomial time with respect to the size of the circuit, avoiding the potentially exponential runtime of explicit key-banning or cycle enumeration. We then take a deeper look at the problem, discussing some of the fundamental limitations of extracting precise non-cyclic conditions and propose a more complex but complete procedure for cyclic deobfuscation. We evaluate our attacks on densely cyclic obfuscated benchmark circuits.

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